General Track
Full track papers, short track papers and doctoral abstracts/A1 posters within the scope of the conference may be submitted to one of the following General Track sessions. These papers will be reviewed by knowledgeable referees, and if accepted, allocated to oral or poster sessions for presentation at the conference. There will be prizes for the best full paper, the best short paper, the best doctoral poster, and the best invited conference track.
Authors may also submit to an Invited Session if invited to do so by the session chair, or their paper fits the scope of the session better than the General Track.
The General Track Sessions are as follows:-
Sustainable Buildings for Smart Cities
This track covers the application of building science and technology in assessing, monitoring and optimising the energy and environmental performance of existing buildings and new low carbon, zero carbon or carbon positive buildings at both building and district scales.
- Sustainable buildings for comfort and health; building construction and envelope systems; HVAC systems; user behaviour, operational vs embodied energy. Analyses through either quantitative or qualitative techniques during the design, construction, commissioning, handover, operation or retrofit and refurbishment process in existing neighbourhoods and cities or in new Smart Cities. Techniques can include: desktop (theoretical) case studies; physical testing of internal comfort and health conditions versus energy use and climate conditions; building users comfort and health; occupant and design team interviews. - Building performance assessment: dynamic thermal modelling, dynamic hygrothermal modelling, thermal bridge analysis; thermography; air tightness testing; heat flux testing; energy profiling; moisture mapping; whole building smoke tests; co-heating etc.- Design tools and methodologies: Building Information Modelling; education and training; development of assessment, monitoring and optimisation methods; comparison of methodologies and regulations in one country or between countries; modelling, optimisation and validation of building, neighbourhoods and cities.
- Post occupancy evaluation: building system performance; building integrated renewable energy performance; user interaction in buildings, neighbourhoods and cities; use and evaluation of user guides; evaluation of design team and occupant walk-throughs.
John Littlewood, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales, UK
Valentina Serra, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Energy and Smart Cities
Energy systems modelling; management, control and optimization of smart buildings and cities and grids; integration of buildings in smart grids; smart and sustainable planning for cities; renewable integration and systems technologies at urban scale; demonstration projects; GIS and visualisation of energy demand in urban areas; demand side management, smart meters, smart prosumer in smart building interconnected to smart energy grids; optimization of district heating systems; future scenarios and energy challenges in the urbanisation process; database creation, management and exploitation for policy decision making and energy business in smart cities.
Ettore Bompard, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Renewable Energy Technologies, Applications and Integration in Smart Districts
Solar photovoltaic energy, solar thermal energy systems, concentrating solar power, small- and large-scale installations; wind power; wave, ocean and hydro power; biomass and bio energy; geothermal energy technologies; ground-source and air-source heat pumps; materials for renewable energy technologies; hydrogen production and storage, fuel cells; electrical engineering for renewable energy, power conversion systems, stand alone and grid-connected converters; designs for renewable energy; integration of renewable energy sources with buildings and the built environment; financial incentives, policies, regulations and solutions for the transition to renewable energy; combined heat and power; renewable energy based district heating and cooling.
Enrico Fabrizio, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Etienne Wurtz, CEA-INES, France
Mahieddine Emziane, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Big Data Analytics Technologies for Intelligent Energy Management in Buildings
Building automation systems; energy management systems; artificial intelligence; software and hardware tools to enable sustainable behaviour in buildings; energy data analytics and data-driven energy management; monitoring and control of infrastructure for the distribution and use of energy; human behavior and energy consumption in built environments and mechanisms to influence them; control and coordination for economical and efficient use of energy; energy auditing and apportionment; intelligent optimized control; system for energy and comfort management; knowledge discovery process; big related data services; exploratory energy data analytics algorithms; decision support systems; building automation, including asset performance, utilization & fault detection; internet of things in buildings.
Linda Xiao Fu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Alfonso Capozzoli, Politecnico di Torino, Italy